We Can’t Even Imagine

What we will be like when He returns. (1John 3:2)

But what if we did?

What if we let our minds explore what we will be like? What our friends and family will be like? What this world will be like? Would that change how we enter into today? 

As a child, I let my imagination drift. I didn’t direct my thoughts to produce a result. My mind wandered easily from ‘what is’ to ‘what could be’ without hesitation. I felt comfort and joy in my imagining – in knowing today isn’t all there is – in believing better is to come.

We have so much less space for imagination. Images are placed in front of us – see this, buy this, dream about this. Our imagination is stunted by its overindulgence of digital stimuli. 

Innovation still exists. Designed by a creator God in His image, we were established to create. We don’t need to create today to survive. Our ancestors were cold and they created a way to stay warm. We are warm, too warm. Lethargy pulses through our veins. And yet some find a way. 

What is your recipe for innovation? When was the last time you created something fully new – a new idea, a new way to do something, a new routine, a new answer to a problem? What did it take to create? Time, space, intentional pursuit, a jarring experience, letting go of an old problem – how was the new idea born? 

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